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Flashback to Alpbach
A few days have passed and we all caught up on some sleep, so now it's time to share with you the amazing video about this years'...

Late night Prototyping
It is 3 o'clock in the morning and while some teams are finishing up their solution concepts, others are already prototyping. We are glad...

It's dark outside, but we have bright ideas in here!
Ideation time! It is getting dark outside, and after analyzing for many hours, it is now finally time to get creative. The teams are back...

THE Cup Song
Halftime! The students have been working for 12 hours, time for an energizer! But before, they had a two hour break to charge their...

TUAIM Helpers: The Austrian Patent Office
The students do also not need to worry about the technical backgrounds of their tasks: The Austrian Patent Office is here to help! Just...

TUAIM Helpers: The Innovation Coaches
This year as well, the students are not alone on their journey. The competent innovation coaches from Integrated Consulting Group stand...

The first phase: Understanding
In this phase of the marathon, the students are familiarizing themselves with the companies and their businesses. Who is this company I...

The gong has been bung...
... and the TU Austria Innovation-Marathon has started! The 8 student teams have officially found out in which companies' shoes they will...

Finally, the official kick-off!
Finally! Today, the TU Austria Innovation-Marathon started with a first round of introductions, information and teambuilding! Current...
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