Finally, the official kick-off!
Finally! Today, the TU Austria Innovation-Marathon started with a first round of introductions, information and teambuilding!

Current president of the TU Austria, Wilfried Eichlseder, welcomed our students, company representatives and special guests with some warm words of welcome. The TU Austria Innovation-Marathon, which takes place for the third time in Alpbach this year, is a great opportunity for students, universities and companies to meet and learn from each other, he said.

After a short introduction by the Austrian Patent Office, who is also a partner of the Innovation-Marathon, the participants learned more about the agenda of the 24 hours long event.
It will start Thursday morning at nine o'clock and will last for 24 hours, until Friday morning. In this time, the students will clearify the challenges they are given by the companies, generate ideas for them and prototype a solution. They are not alone in their journey though: 5 experienced innovation coaches will guide them through.

Yet the kick-off was not about the content yet, but about the teams getting to know each other! They were given a fun teambuilding challenge in which they build landing protections for raw eggs. Guess what - they all succeeded! Isn't that a great sign for the next 24 hours?

Now they hopefully get some good night sleep before the big day tomorrow. We will too!