Only 3 more days to go...
A short recap: The Innovation-Marathon is powered by TU Austria, the association composed of the three Austrian Universities of Technology. During this 24-hour event, 40 students work on tasks from eight companies from the Austrian industry.

In teams of five, the students analyze the problem behind the task, generate ideas for it and build a prototype which they then present to a public audience. They are supported during their journey by Innovation experts, who help the students with their in-depth knowledge of Innovation processes and techniques.
The student teams are carefully chosen based on their academic background, social skills and personal interests and vary in terms of disciplines and cultures. The students gain invaluable insights into the thought processes of companies and experience an Innovation process in a very short time instead of the usual many weeks Innovation projects often take.
During the 24-hour Innovation journey, the students work in close cooperation with their company partners, who profit from new insights and external views to company-internally tasks and Problems.
But what are we telling you? Stop by on 23th -25th of August at the European Forum Alpbach or follow us on this blog or on facebook to watch all the exiting ideas come to life!